C Return To Suppliers

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A RTS can be Saved or processes just like in Evolution. The following example is on placing a Return to supplier.

ReturnToSupplier RTS = new ReturnToSupplier(); RTS.Supplier = new Supplier("SupplierSDK1"); RTS.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now;// choose to set the invoice date or Order date etc RTS.InvoiceTo = RTS.Supplier.PostalAddress.Condense();//Condense method can be used or you can specify the address as below RTS.DeliverTo = new Address("Physical Address 1", "Address 2", "Address 3", "Address 4", "Address 5", "PC"); RTS.Project = new Project("P1");//Various RTS properties like project can be set

OrderDetail OD = new OrderDetail(); RTS.Detail.Add(OD); //Vaious Order Detail properties can be added like warehouse , sales reps , userfields etc OD.InventoryItem = new InventoryItem("ItemA");//Use the inventoryItem constructor to specify a Item OD.Quantity = 10; OD.ToProcess = OD.Quantity; OD.UnitSellingPrice = 20;

OD = new OrderDetail(); RTS.Detail.Add(OD); OD.GLAccount = new GLAccount("Accounting Fees");//Use the GLAccount Item constructor to specify a Account OD.Quantity = 1; OD.ToProcess = OD.Quantity; OD.UnitSellingPrice = 30;


The following example displays how to specify Additional Costs on a Return to supplier Document:

ReturnToSupplier RTS = new ReturnToSupplier(); RTS.Supplier = new Supplier("SupplierSDK1");

//Additional costs can be specified on a Return to supplier like the functionality in Evolution CostAllocation costAlloc = new CostAllocation(); costAlloc.Supplier = new Supplier("Supplier1"); costAlloc.Reference = "ADDCost"; costAlloc.Description = "AddCost"; costAlloc.Amount = 200; costAlloc.TaxRateID = 3; costAlloc.Save();// Save the additional cost lines

RTS.AdditionalCosts.Add(costAlloc);//Add the total additional costs to the RTS

OrderDetail OD = new OrderDetail(); RTS.Detail.Add(OD); OD.InventoryItem = new InventoryItem("ItemA"); OD.TotalAdditionalCost = 100;// Specify the Additional Costs per line or remove and use the distribute method below to distribute evenly between all lines OD.Quantity = 1; OD.ToProcess = OD.Quantity; OD.UnitSellingPrice = 20;

OD = new OrderDetail(); RTS.Detail.Add(OD); OD.InventoryItem = new InventoryItem("ItemB"); OD.TotalAdditionalCost = 100; OD.Quantity = 1; OD.ToProcess = OD.Quantity; OD.UnitSellingPrice = 30;

// RTS.AdditionalCosts._Distribute();// Use this method when not specifying additional costs per line and to distribute the additional costs between each line

RTS.Process(); - See more at: http://kb.pastel.co.za/article.php?id=1995#sthash.rrhwOROS.dpuf