Evolution Version 10.01

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SDK Version

  • IS-15539 The Foreign Amount is Recalculated when a Purchase Order is Processed using the SDK
  • IS-15546 Rounding issue after another rounding issue IS-15452
  • IS-15452 Difference in the way rounding is handled between evolution and the SDK

SDK Version

  • IS-15452 Difference in the way rounding is handled between evolution and the SDK

SDK Version

  • IS-15397 Sales Order with line discount posts line total with a 1 cent difference vs Evolution
  • IS-15388 Units Of Measure cost price not calculating correctly on PO as per the qty formula calculation
  • IS-15360 Total Additional Cost is not used when using AdditionalCosts._Distribute()
  • IS-15382 Rounding issue when processing a SINV from an existing GRV via the SDK
  • IS-15325 Insufficient quantity of item Available gets generated when processing an IBT for an item that allows negative quantity
  • IS-15324 The incorrect GL Account is posted to when Posting an IBT using Inventory Group on the SDK
  • IS-15278 SDK prefixes the branch id to the audit number on online branch accounting and should not
  • IS-15274 A rounding error gets generated when posting a Customer Batch using the SDK
  • IS-15248 Create property in the SDK to allow processing even if external order number is not unique
  • IS-15225 Selling price for a cost per warehouse item with markup percent is incorrect
  • IS-5924 SDK-Sales Order quotation does not save discount
  • IS-15177 lines are posted incorrectly into PostSt and _btblInvoiceLines when saving the Job Card document everytime a new line is added to the document
  • IS-15138 The combined transaction split allocation is greater than the original net transaction amount gets generated when posting a Customer Transaction with Split Allocations
  • IS-14862 The document line UDF is not updated on the postst and _btblInvoicelines tables when posting using the SDK
  • fix conflict between IS-15078 and IS-14846
  • Additional change for IS-15078 An Unhandled Exception gets generated when creating a Warehouse Item
  • IS-15080 The Tax Amount is not set when adding lines to a journal batch
  • IS-15078 An Unhandled Exception gets generated when creating a Warehouse Item
  • Defect caused by IS-14846
  • IS-15084 The funitcost is incorrect in _btblinvoicelines when posting a PO with a item using cost per warehouse

SDK Version

  • IS-15072 CLONE - The Item Cost is not updated when processing a Purchase Order with Additional Cost on the SDK
  • IS-14846 Client states warehouse transfer timeouts using SDK
  • IS-14667 OrderDetail overridestockaccount does not work on version 10.1
  • IS-15015 Out of balance error received processing a RTS with negative financial line
  • IS-15017 iOrigLineID does not update on partially processed orders using the sd k
  • IS-14962 Serial numbers can be transferred from any warehouse causing quantities to be incorrect
  • IS-14914 Error warning message completing a job card that has lines created by SDK
  • IS-14877 Quantity should not validate for a service item on a Job Card

SDK Version

  • IS-14795 Error received when saving a item that does not have a default barcode specified
  • IS-14729 Lines captured on foreign currency Cashbook batch does not populate foreign amounts or have a property for foreign amounts
  • IS-14641 PO additional cost with a tax amount does not post if tax code is also specified.

SDK Version

  • IS-14625 Add GetJournalBatch to the COM Interop.

SDK Version

  • IS-14604 Purchase Account on item group should override the stock account when set to periodic integration

SDK Version

  • IS-14587 Error posting PO using foreign supplier on both the document as well as additional cost.

SDK Version

  • IS-14565 Purchase order for ledger account line item using 100 % tax type does not appear on tax report.

SDK Version

  • IS-14482 Add functionality to open an existing IBT Issue or IBT receive via the COM Interop

SDK Version

  • Re-generate table and sproc wrappers with regards to Bank Manager table changes on the Accounts table.

SDK Version

  • IS-14400 Unable to change a existing job card line to status active …

SDK Version

  • IS-14400 Unable to change a existing job card line to status active …

SDK Version

  • IS-14444 Command timeout is being ignored for methods like Save() …

SDK Version

  • IS-14394 Customer transaction split with foreign amounts throws an error

SDK Version

  • IS-14437 Ability to specify the document storage path as a mapped network drive

SDK Version

  • IS-14413 Error received doing a IBT Receive if the IBT number is to long

SDK Version

  • IS-14394 Customer transaction split with foreign amounts throws an error

SDK Version

  • IS-14396 Error received processing a Sales Order on Clients Data …

SDK Version

  • IS-14258 Cannot get the tax rate properties when using COM Interop
  • IS-14264 Insufficient quantity available to reserve when processing a service task using a service item
  • IS-14207 SDK does not allocate using the same dates as per Evolution allocation
  • IS-14199 A quote created for a prospective customer cannot be edited
  • IS-14149 Error process a source document with a null tax type

SDK Version

  • IS-14132 Ability to successfully get and set UDF's on source documents via the SDK using COM Interop

SDK Version

  • IS-14080 Cost Adjustment posts a consolidated value for item with multiple warehouses and groups.

SDK Version

  • IS-13954 Recompile and validate that entire solution is correct